How to place an order?
This language version is prepared for customers who can't or don't want to pay with a bank transfer, especially for US and Canadian customers.
Choosing the goods
Open the left menu, choose the item you want and place it the virtual shopping cart. Please note you can order maximum 2 KILLIT kits to the USA at once as the shipping box measures determine calculated shipping (volumetric) weight with FedEx.
You can but don't have to register to place your order. Registered customers can see their previous orders, check for order status and have their personal data inserted in every order easily.
Shopping cart
After you've placed items into the shoping cart, you can see its list with quantity and price. You can adjust items quantity or remove them entirely. The shopping cart will recalculate total value every time. You can also return to the store and add more items as you wish. All prices for US and Canadian customers are ex. VAT even if the shop says "incl. VAT".
Placing an order
To place an order click "Continue to shipping" to proceed to checkout. Choose Country, shipping and payment method.
Delivery info
Enter your name, address (delivery address if different), phone number and e-mail address. Check "I agree with Terms and conditions" and click "Finish order".
If the link for "Terms and conditions" won't show any page, refer to top menu. I'm trying to fix it but the backend has some bugs.
Order payment, dispatch and delivery
All ordere are being manually checked and processed. If they pass, only then a PayPal Payment request in CZK is sent to the customers e-mail address. We contact the customer in case of any problems.
Packages are being dispatched within 3 days by order of time, payment completion and stock availability. Packages are being handed to czech FedEx partner Packeta and shipped. Tracking number for every package is provided.
Done? Woohoo, congratulation, your KILLIT will be 320 Knots faster than mine. At least as a kit.
Problems, questions
If you have questions regarding the goods, ordering process or any other difficulty, don't hesitate to contact us. Use contanct form or our e-mail address